Postcard and EDDM Marketing is one of the most effective ways to get your business growing, especially during holiday seasons. Be Careful however, if not done right, your campaign won’t succeed. Especially if you are a small business starting up, you are at risk to not have many responses at the start. In order to gain the most traction for your business, there are certain strategies you can follow.
1. Budget your methods.
If you want to earn money, you have to spend money. Coming up with and sticking to a campaign budget is always the first and usually, hardest step of marketing.Failing to set a budget or worse, failing to stick to the budget, can easily destroy your attempts to market your postcards or mail in advertisements.
Postcard Marketing and Learning how to Budget
When you budget your campaigns, you have to weigh out the positives and negatives. There will always be an opportunity cost when deciding to spend more money on premium postcard features, or cutting back costs to produce more postcards to reach more people.
Sometimes its better to invest in high quality material for a better impression from the neighborhood. To the consumer it’s easily noticeable. Both of these are viable, depending on the aim of your campaign. A good way to manage your marketing budget is to assign specific amounts to each part of your budget, and use it as a baseline when you are finally looking for service providers. You also need to set a percentage of your whole budget for unforeseen costs that may arise over the course of your planning.
Finally, keep in mind that there is no perfect marketing budget. It’s important to take time after your campaign to analyze your budget planning as a reference for your future marketing efforts.
2. Pick out a test sample population to send to.
Building up on our previous point, a great marketing campaign would cost a good amount of marketing money. So if you are on a tight budget, which admittedly most of us are, you have to do a test run to gauge the effectiveness of your postcard marketing campaign.
Send a sample of your postcards to gauge the effectiveness of the campaign.
Don’t immediately spend thousands of postcards in one splurge. Instead, send a part of your postcards out to a small sample of your target customers. Watch carefully and track any responses you receive. This will help you make sure that your design is effective. If nobody responds, or the response is much lower than expected, you can adjust before spending your entire budget on a faulty campaign.
3. Mail daily, weekly, monthly, you name it.
There’s a reason why TV and radio commercials, and even online ads, tend to be repetitive. That’s because people respond to repetition. The more that a person is exposed to a particular brand, the more likely it is to keep that brand in the forefront of their minds. Repetition can give familiarity and is a great technique to remind customers of the existence of your business.
For a better postcard marketing campaign, you should send out postcards on a regular basis. Persistence is the key in increasing your visibility. With an inexpensive postcard, you can maintain your presence with your customers without putting a significant dent on your marketing budget.
Do take note that persistence can be a double-edged sword. There may be a point when the returns on your postcard marketing begin to diminish. Continued repetition of your postcard may cause recipients to ignore your card, or worse stop buying your products altogether. Either send your postcards in a reasonable interval, or better yet, improve your design and personalize your message with 911prints’ self design tool!