How to Make Business Cards That Stand Out
Everyone needs a business card that brings out the personality in their business. During Events and business meetings, your business card is the first thing that leaves a lasting impression. Things that matter the most for your business card is the quality of the design and the material quality.
You can either design your own, or allow us to design for you! . 911 Prints has a lot of options from paper, coating, color, and cutting options to create your unique business cards. 911 Prints also has professional Graphic Designers here to help achieve the look you so desire.
Your Printing Options for Business Cards!
Types of Paper
For standard business cards, you can use a 14 pt. or a 16 pt. cardstock. The 14 pt. is the most commonly used business card stock. It is 0.014” thick, which makes it more rigid than ordinary bond paper. This paper stock is efficient in price and in its elastibility. If you are budgeting and need a good business card quality, this is the right one for you! This option is also best if you are planning to hand out a lot of business cards at once! The best paper stock for a quantitative order.
If you want something that feels more high-quality, (which you should if you want to stand out), you can choose the thicker 16 pt. cardstock. It may not seem like much to be worth paying for, but with business cards, your customers will definitely feel the difference. The thicker cards have more weight and a premium look. Plus, it makes your business cards last longer over time.
Paper Coating
There are 2 benefits to the type of paper coating you choose. First, it protects your card from moisture, scuffing, or even fingerprints. Secondly, the visuals that your business card displays to shine it out.
At 911 Prints, we can provide to you 3 types of business card coating — gloss, matte, and high-gloss UV. Gloss coating will apply a shiny finish on your business cards while matte coating will give a dull, satin-like finish to it.
High-gloss UV will give you the best glossy look on your business card. This will bring out the colors in your design, and make it more vibrant. It will also make your cards very resistant to tear, ideal for hand-outs like business cards.
Die-cuts (The Shape of your Business Card!)
You can make your business card stand out more by choosing a shape not normal to the standard rectangle shape. If you want to be different from everyone else, then die-cut business cards are for you.
911 Prints provides numerous options for die-cutting business cards. You can choose our most popular rounded corners business card, which replace your average sharp cut corners with softer, curved ones.
Ready to print business cards that stand out? Head to our business card printing page to print yours now.