If you ever visited nail salon or hair salon, you will remember customers looking at their cell phone while waiting to be seated or their hairs or nails to be done. Waiting for certain work to be done can be boring. What would you do if you have a way to increase your sales by using consumer’s waiting time?
New type of menu board is rising: digital signage. You may recall a TV or long-vertical screen that continuously displaying promotion or menu in restaurant, bank, or beauty salons. If you paid attention to those screens, then that business owner succeed in advertising half way.
In 2010, Nielson tracked 120 businesses using a digital signage over time and found out that 80% of stores experienced their sales increased 33% compared to when using printed signage only. Based on the customer survey, 70% of customers agreed that digital signage influenced their decision to buy a product.
With digital signage, business can cost-effectively convince customers to purchase their product. Instead of non-moving printed signage, digital signage is easier to catch people’s eyes and to show how product works. Survey showed that digital signage was most effective in industries like restaurants, salons, and other.
If you are a business owner who consider about increasing your business sales, then digital signage will be most effective way to show your products to your consumers.